
As a consultant specializing in LGBTQ issues, I offer services to help individuals, schools, workplaces, and community spaces gain a deeper understanding of the LGBTQ community. My services are designed to provide practical tools and strategies for creating more welcoming and supportive environments for LGBTQ people. I believe that education is key to creating a more equitable society for LGBTQ people, and I am passionate about creating cultures where everyone feels safe, valued, and respected.

Through interactive and engaging workshops and trainings, I strive to create a supportive environment where participants can explore LGBTQ topics, ask questions without judgment, and learn to be better advocates for the LGBTQ people in their lives. My workshops cover a wide range of topics, from understanding gender and sexual orientation to creating inclusive policies and practices in the workplace. Depending on the needs of my clients, workshops can feature group discussions, question and answer sessions, and other activities that encourage participants to think critically about LGBTQ issues.

I also offer other consulting, workshop and training, and writing services to support schools, workplaces, and community spaces in creating inclusive and affirming environments for LGBTQ people. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how I can help your school, workplace, or community space create a culture where everyone can thrive and feel like they belong, please get in touch with me.


Consulting is an opportunity to do a deep dive into the culture of your school, workplace, or community space. I will work with you to assess the needs of your LGBTQ students, employees, or community members, and develop an action plan for improving LGBTQ inclusivity and belonging. Consulting is a collaborative process, and I deeply value and respect the time and energy that my clients are able to dedicate to this process. Every consulting process will look different, and I always customize my consulting to meet the specific needs of my clients.

Consulting can include: 

  • Coaching
  • Workshops & Trainings 
  • Development of Educational Resources 
  • Review of Policies, Documents, & Benefits
  • Reflective Conversations with LGBTQ Students, Employees, and Community Members 

If you have an idea about something not listed above, please reach out to me to discuss it further.

Workshops & Trainings

Workshops and trainings are interactive opportunities to learn more about LGBTQ communities and build skills for supporting and advocating for the LGBTQ people in your life. I offer workshops and trainings as a part of consulting plans, as well as workshop series or one-off sessions. I work with you to customize workshops to meet the specific needs of your school, workplace, or community space. 

Workshop and training topics can include:

  • LGBTQ 101
  • Trans & Non-Binary 101
  • Gender 101
  • Inclusive Language & Communication Practices
  • Supporting LGBTQ Employees in the Workplace
  • Supporting LGBTQ Students in the Classroom 

I am open to developing and facilitating workshops about topics related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, LGBTQ people, trans and non-binary people, and the intersections of these topics.

If you have an idea about a topic not listed above, please reach out to me to discuss it further.


This workshop covers LGBTQ vocabulary, heteronormativity, heterosexism, and homophobia, best practices for supporting LGBTQ people, allyship, microaggressions, and a question and answer session. 
Duration: 90 minutes including the Q&A. Shorter sessions available upon request. 

Audience: Ages 14+; high school and college students; non-profit and corporate employees; higher education administrators, faculty, and staff; community groups; conferences.

Notes: This workshop can be customized to the specific needs of the intended audience. No prior knowledge of or experience with LGBTQ people is needed to attend this workshop. 

Trans & Non-Binary 101

This workshop covers vocabulary about gender and trans and non-binary people, cisnormativity, cissexism, and transphobia, best practices for supporting trans and non-binary people, allyship, microaggressions, and a question and answer session. 
Duration: 90 minutes including the Q&A. Shorter sessions available upon request. 

Audience: Ages 14+; high school and college students; non-profit and corporate employees; higher education administrators, faculty, and staff; community groups; conferences.

Notes: This workshop can be customized to the specific needs of the intended audience. No prior knowledge of or experience with LGBTQ people or trans and non-binary people is needed to attend this workshop

Pronouns 101

This workshop covers what pronouns are and how to use them, examples of different pronouns, how to normalize asking for and sharing your pronouns, a quick review of gender and trans and non-binary people, and a question and answer session. 

Duration: 60-90 minutes including the Q&A. Shorter sessions available upon request. 
Audience: Ages 14+; high school and college students; non-profit and corporate employees; higher education administrators, faculty, and staff; community groups; conferences.

Notes: This workshop can be customized to the specific needs of the intended audience. Prior knowledge of or experience with LGBTQ people or trans and non-binary people is helpful, but not required to attend this workshop.

Gender 101

This workshop covers gender, gender expression, sex assigned at birth, trans and non-binary people, intersex people, and lays the foundation for deeper understandings of gender and trans, non-binary people, and gender nonconforming people. There is a question and answer session included in this workshop.

Duration: 90 minutes including the Q&A. Shorter sessions available upon request. 

Audience: Ages 14+; high school and college students; non-profit and corporate employees; higher education administrators, faculty, and staff; community groups; conferences.

Notes: This workshop can be customized to the specific needs of the intended audience. No prior knowledge of or experience with LGBTQ people or trans and non-binary people is needed to attend this workshop.

Reflective Conversations 

Reflective conversations are an opportunity for participants to discuss their experiences as marginalized people in schools and workplaces, and to create and celebrate community with one another. Options for topics within reflective conversations can include self-care, burnout, community organizing, and community building. 

Duration: 60-90 minutes. Shorter sessions available upon request. 
Audience: Ages 14+; high school and college students; non-profit, higher education, and corporate employees; affinity groups and Employee Resource Groups (ERGs); conferences.

Notes: This workshop can be customized to the specific needs of the intended audience. Reflective conversations are intended for members of a specific identity group (e.g., LGBTQ people, trans and non-binary people, LGBTQ people of color, LBQT women, etc.). 

K-12 & College Staff Advocacy Conversations

Advocacy conversations are an opportunity for participants to discuss how they can support and advocate for their LGBTQ students, trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students, and LGBTQ students of color. This advocacy conversation will be specific to the needs of the school or college and its students and staff. We will discuss how transphobia, transmisogyny, homophobia, and racism manifest on campus and how to enact institutional change. Participants will create a shared action plan for continued advocacy at their campus, and receive resources to guide future conversations.

Duration: 60-90 minutes. Shorter sessions available upon request. 
Audience: Ages 18+; K-12 and college administrators, faculty, and staff. 

Notes: This workshop can be customized to the specific needs of the intended audience.


Writing is a powerful tool to educate people on the experiences of LGBTQ people and how to best support and advocate for LGBTQ communities. I have experience writing blog posts, short and long form articles, academic articles, one-page resources, and educational materials about LGBTQ people and communities. I am open to freelance writing opportunities, as well as including writing in my consulting work. 

Writing topics can include:

  • Tips for LGBTQ Allyship
  • How to Use Pronouns
  • How to Use Gender-Inclusive Language
  • Non-Binary Identities in Communities of Color
  • My Experiences as a Queer and Non-Binary Puerto Rican

I am open to writing about topics related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, LGBTQ people, trans and non-binary people, and the intersections of these topics.

If you have an idea about a topic not listed above, please reach out to me to discuss it further.